Invasion of the lionfish – From Reef to Table

There is a species invading the Eastern United States seaboard, the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, Bahamas, Bermuda, Mexico, Central and South America with unprecedented, alarming speed. Armed with venomous spines, a non-discriminating palate, ability to survive in various salinities and depths, high reproductive rate, a gluttonous ambush predator voracious of your food supply.

The invader appears exotic to some, to others an opportunity. This non-indigenous species is commonly referred to as: Lionfish.


Watch this National Geographic video to get a sense of the impact lionfish have on the ecology and environment offshore. Observe at the number of lionfish there are in one area alone.

Lionfish Biology

Lionfish are of the same family as the scorpionfish, Scorpaenidae, the Genus Pterois and species volitans – (Red Lionfish) and miles – (Devil Firefish). The two species of lionfish that have shown up to be invasive, are the Pterois volitans and Pterois miles, (The P …

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